Getting started with NetCraftIndia web hosting account

July 29th, 2013

Welcome to NetCraftIndia!!
Thanks & Congrats for signing up with shared hosting account.

It is really easy to start with our web hosting services, the first step is to determine what you really need to do. If it is already 1 hr from the time of your purchase, you might have got a welcome email with all the details of your hosting account. So what you want to do now:

Do you have your website ready to upload?

If yes just use FTP to upload your website at our server, it will be up and running within 2 to 24 hrs from the purchase time. Read following article if you are new with FTP:

FTP setting & Help to upload / download website.

If you domain is not working at your end you can use the IP address of your website we mentioned at your Web Hosting Welcome Email.

Once you got connect to out server with FTP upload your website at “public_html” directory.

Did you updated your domain DNS?

In order to get your website work online, you need to change DNS of your domain name, if you have bought both domain and hosting from NetCraftIndia, there is no need to worry, the domain already have to required DNS at our end. If you already have the domain at other vendor, you might need to change the DNS to following or check for DNS records at “Welcome Email“.

We are maintaining our own DNS servers as follows

if you have bought a Reseller account, VPS or Dedicated Server you need to follow:

Getting Started with Reseller Account!
Getting Started with VPS!
Getting Started with Dedicated Server!

If you have registered your domain at other vendor and want to transfer domain to us, you can follow the or call us at +91-9899739900

Once you have changed your DNS record it generally take 24-48 hrs to propagate to our server. If it take more than 2 days to start loading please contact support.

Even though the hosting details welcome email form us will be full of information about all the links you need, you can check the following list for more details…

Place:Before Propagation:After Propagation:
Web Sitehttp://12.23.345.67/~username/http://

Now you got to know a lot of things about getting started, if yet you are having trouble you can get to our support, just read the following article to know more.

Getting help from NetCraftIndia support.

We advise you to manage your client area with care and don’t share login credentials with anyone. Have this section updated this is the key for your online property.

Client Area