What is Linux Hosting?

Web Hosting that is hosted on a linux based web server is Linux Hosting. Linux servers include Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP-Perl-Python software. Most Linux Hosting provider uses Apache servers as it is open-source, multi-platform and widely used and tested. Apache works perfectly with MySQL, PHP, Perl and Python so it is preferred as best and reliable Linux Hosting Platform. PHP-Perl-Python are widely used programming languages to create/develop advance web applications. Almost all Linux web hosting solution supports PHP, Perl & Python, now days web hosts are including Ruby on Rails a new language which is getting popular.

Web Hosting Features…
  • Unlimited Web Space and Bandwidth for your website
  • cPanel Worlds #1 Control Panel
  • Unlimited Sub Domains, FTP Accounts, and Email Accounts
  • No Contract with a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
  • 99.9% Uptime Guarantee with 15 Days Money Back Gurantee


Free With Each Web Hosting Plan
  • Dell PowerEdge Servers
  • Dual Nehalem CPU’s, DDR3 ECC RAM
  • Free Website Building Tools
  • 250+ Free scripts can be instantly installed on your account with a few clicks


Programming and Database Features…
  • Unlimited MySQL Databases with phpMyAdmin Access
  • Remote MySQL, PostgreSQL
  • Programming Language: CGI, Fast CGI, PHP 5, Ruby on Rails, Perl, Python
  • System Management: Cron Job Scheduling, FrontPage Extensions


Email / Mail Client Features…
  • Unlimited POP3 Email Accounts with SMTP
  • Webmail with Horde, SquirrelMail, RoundCube
  • Spam Assassin to prevent spam
  • Unlimited Auto-responders, Mail Forwards, Email Aliases, Mailing Lists


NetCraftIndia Support Features…
  • 24/7/365 Premium Support via Ticket System
  • Automatic Weekly Off-Site Data Backups
  • 24/7/365 Server Monitoring
  • NetCraftIndia community forum access